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Whiskey Salted Caramel Sauce

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Here is my recipe for an easy Whiskey Salted Caramel Sauce. Follow my simple instructions and you will have a gorgeous sauce with a hint of sea salt and smooth whiskey, ready to pour on cakes, ice cream, apple pie, and plenty more…

How to Make Caramel Sauce

Make an easy caramel sauce by following these simple steps:

Measure out all your ingredients, then add the sugar and water to a heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat and stir until the sugar dissolves. Since this is a wet caramel recipe, it’s important not to stir the mixture, as it can cause the sugar to crystallize. If any sugar remains above the mixture as it boils, use a pastry brush with a little water to dab the pan inside to wash down any stray sugar.

Once the sugar is dissolved, heat the mixture over medium-high heat until it reaches the desired caramel colour. Remove the pan from the heat, add the butter, cream, and vanilla, and stir until smooth. Be careful now, as the mixture can spit and is very hot!

  1. Dissolve sugar in the water over medium heat

    Sugar and water mixture boiling in pot

  2. Once dissolved, turn up the heat to medium-high and cook until the desired colour

    Amber Caramel cooking in a saucepan

  3. Add cream, butter, bourbon and vanilla and stir off the heat

    Adding butter to caramel sauce

  4. Once smooth and butter and cream are incorporated, decant into a jar and leave to cool before using

    Caramel sauce dripping from spoon into a jar

Can Caramel Sauce Be Frozen?

Freezing caramel sauce is a great way to make it last longer, and have some on hand whenever needed. Here are some tips for freezing caramel sauce:

1. Allow the caramel sauce to cool completely before freezing. This will help prevent ice crystals from forming and ensure the best texture when thawed.

2. Transfer the cooled caramel sauce into an airtight or freezer-safe bag. Be sure to leave some room at the top of the container, as the sauce may expand when frozen.

3. Label the container with the date to know how long it has been in the freezer.

4. When ready to use, thaw the caramel sauce in the refrigerator overnight or at room temperature for a few hours. You can also gently heat it in a microwave or stovetop, stirring occasionally until smooth and warm.

5. Once thawed, stir your caramel sauce to reincorporate any separated ingredients and enjoy your favourite desserts, such as ice cream, cakes, cookies, and more!

Can Caramel Sauce Go Bad?

Like any other food product, caramel sauce can go bad. Over time, it may develop mould or bacteria growth, which can make it unsafe to consume. It is important to always check the expiration date on the packaging and store caramel sauce in a cool, dry place to help prolong its shelf life.

If you notice any changes in the colour, texture, or smell of your caramel sauce, it is best to discard it. Consuming spoiled caramel sauce can lead to food poisoning and other health issues.

To extend the shelf life of your caramel sauce, consider storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This will help prevent bacteria growth and maintain its freshness for longer.

Caramel can be kept at room temperature for a short period, usually up to two weeks. However, it is important to store caramel in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out or becoming too sticky. If you plan on keeping caramel for longer periods, it is best to store it in the refrigerator, where it can last up to four weeks.

When storing caramel at room temperature, keep it away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as this can cause the caramel to melt or become too soft. Additionally, ensure the container is tightly sealed to prevent any moisture from getting in and affecting the texture of the caramel.

If you notice that your caramel has started to change in texture or colour, such as becoming grainy or developing a crust on top, it may be best to discard it, as these are signs that the caramel has gone bad.

Why Is My Whiskey Salted Caramel Sauce Grainy

Caramel sauce can become grainy for several reasons, and understanding what causes this issue can help prevent it from happening. Here are some common reasons why your caramel sauce may have turned grainy:

1. Overcooking: Caramel is made by heating sugar until it melts and turns golden-brown liquid. If you cook the sugar for too long or at too high a temperature, it can crystallize and become grainy instead of smooth.

2. Adding cold ingredients: It’s important to add warm ingredients slowly to avoid shocking the hot sugar mixture when making caramel sauce. Adding cold cream or butter too quickly can cause the sugar to seize up and turn grainy.

3. Stirring too much: While it’s important to stir caramel as it cooks to prevent burning, stirring too vigorously or constantly can cause the sugar to crystalize and become grainy.

4. Using dirty utensils: Any impurities in your utensils or cooking equipment can cause your caramel sauce to turn grainy. Make sure all of your tools are clean before starting the caramel-making process.

5. Humidity: High humidity levels in your kitchen can also lead to grainy caramel sauce because moisture in the air can interact with the sugar and cause crystallization.

To fix grainy caramel sauce, gently reheat it over low heat while stirring constantly until the sugar crystals dissolve back into a smooth consistency. If necessary, you may also need to strain out any large crystals that have formed.

Bitter Caramel Sauce

If you’ve ever made caramel sauce and found it bitter, there could be a few reasons why this has happened. Understanding the possible causes can help you troubleshoot your recipe and ensure a delicious, sweet caramel sauce every time.

One common reason for bitter caramel sauce is overcooking the sugar. When sugar is cooked at too high a temperature or too long, it can burn and create a bitter flavour in the caramel. To avoid this, monitor the sugar closely as it cooks and remove it from heat as soon as it reaches the desired amber colour.

Another potential cause of bitterness in caramel sauce is using impure utensils or pots. If leftover food particles or residue are on your cooking equipment, they can burn and impart a bitter taste to the caramel. Ensure all utensils and pots are thoroughly cleaned before making caramel sauce to prevent unwanted flavours from contaminating your mixture.

Additionally, using low-quality ingredients can contribute to bitter caramel sauce. Use fresh, high-quality butter, cream, and sugar when making your caramel sauce to ensure a smooth and sweet flavour.

Lastly, not properly incorporating the cream into the hot sugar mixture can lead to bitterness in caramel sauce. Be sure to gradually add the cream while stirring constantly to prevent burnt bits from forming in the mixture.

Consistency Issues

Sauce too thick?

There are a few reasons why your caramel sauce may be too thick:

1. Overcooking: Caramel is made by heating sugar until it melts and turns golden-brown liquid. If you cook it too long, the caramel can become too thick and harden as it cools. To avoid this, remove the caramel from the heat when it reaches your desired consistency.

2. Not enough liquid: Caramel sauce typically requires some liquid (such as cream or water) to help thin the sugar as it melts. If you didn’t add enough liquid while making it, it could be too thick. Add more liquid and gently heat the sauce until it reaches your desired consistency.

3. Incorrect ratios: The ratio of sugar to liquid in your caramel sauce can also affect its thickness. Using too much sugar or too little liquid may make the caramel thicker than intended. To avoid this issue, follow a reliable recipe and measure your ingredients accurately.

4. Cooling too quickly: Caramel sauce will naturally thicken as it cools, so if you let it cool too quickly or refrigerate it before serving, it may become overly thick. Allow the caramel to cool at room temperature before storing it in the refrigerator to prevent this.

If your caramel sauce is too thick, try adjusting the cooking time, adding more liquid, checking ingredient ratios, and allowing proper cooling time to achieve a smoother consistency.

Sauce Too Thin?

There are a few reasons your caramel sauce may be too thin. Here are some common culprits:

1. Cooking time: Caramel sauce is made by heating sugar until it melts and caramelizes. If you don’t cook the sugar long enough, the sauce may become too thin. Make sure to cook the sugar until it reaches a deep amber colour to ensure a thick consistency.

2. Temperature: The temperature at which you cook your caramel can also affect its thickness. The caramel may not thicken properly if it doesn’t reach a high enough temperature. A candy thermometer monitors the temperature and ensures it reaches around 350°F.

3. Ratio of ingredients: The ratio of sugar to cream in your caramel sauce can impact its thickness. If there is too much cream relative to sugar, the sauce may end up thinner than desired. Try adjusting the ratio of ingredients to achieve a thicker consistency.

4. Cooling process: How you cool your caramel sauce can also affect its thickness. It may not thicken properly if you let it cool too quickly or stir it vigorously while cooling. Allow the sauce to cool slowly and undisturbed for best results.

Try Another Recipe

Whiskey Salted Caramel Sauce

Sweet, buttery, smooth caramel sauce with a hint of whiskey and salt
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword whiskey salted caramel
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Cooling Time 15 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Servings 10
Author Paul (Scoffs & Feasts)


  • 1 Heavy Bottomed Stainless Steel Saucepan


  • 150 g white caster sugar (or granulated sugar)
  • 100 ml double cream
  • 50 g unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp good quality vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp bourbon whiskey


  • Measure out all your ingredients
  • Place sugar in saucepan along with the water and heat gently on medium until the sugar dissolves – DO NOT STIR
  • Once sugar is dissolved, increase heat to medium high and cook for around 10 mins until mixture starts to turn light golden in colour
  • Watch the mixture carefully as it darkens quickly and can burn quickly – turn off heat at desired caramel colour
  • Add cream, butter, salt and whiskey and stir until melted and combined – stand back as mixture can steam and spit
  • Let cool for 15 minutes before decanting into a jar, ready for use

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