At Scoffs and Feasts, we share straightforward simple recipes that you will want to make again and again along with hints and tips to make you a better home cook!

Launched in 2022, you can expect to find original tried and tested recipes, along with authentic photographs of real food. This site is intended for foodies, cooking enthusiasts and everyone in between. If you love homecooked food, you will feel right at home here.

Masala fries on a plate topped with yoghurt and coriander

You can expect to find new recipes weekly, a mix of dinners, breakfasts, side dishes, snacks and dinners. We cover a broad range and try to cater for everyone’s tastes – good food knows no boundaries!

Cooking Hints and Tips

As we continue to grow, we intend to add more techniques, hints tips and tricks for all you kitchen warriors out there. 

Who Is Scoffs and Feasts?

It all started back in 2022, when a crazy simple notion to employ mindfulness through cooking gave way to the idea of a food blog. The journey has been long and continues each day, with the hope of making cooking more approachable and enjoyable to many. A destination for delicious recipes and the best cooking tips.