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Blueberry Pancakes

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Come try my soft and fluffy Blueberry Pancakes, delicious and so simple to make…

Pancakes are a great thing to learn how to make. Once you get the basic pancake recipe perfected, you are open to a world of endless pancake possibilities! I love these Blueberry Pancakes – the best part is how the blueberries burst in each mouthful – gorgeous! Soft and tender, everyone needs to have a good Blueberry Pancake recipe in their repertoire.

Stack of Blueberry Pancakes being drizzled with maple syrup


Pancakes consist of the usual suspects – flour, milk, sugar, egg, and baking powder/bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). To make these pancakes extra fluffy, I have used milk and apple cider vinegar. You may have seen recipes using buttermilk. Who always has buttermilk in their fridge? I know I don’t but I always have milk and vinegar. Homemade buttermilk baby! The vinegar helps to activate the baking soda as it is an acid and this helps your Pancakes to fluff up.

Stack of Blueberry Pancakes with forkful showing inner pancake

How to Make Blueberry Pancakes

  1. Mix the dry ingredients together. Make these gluten-free blueberry pancakes by swapping out the plain flour for your favourite gluten-free alternative.

  2. Add the wet ingredients and gently whisk until just incorporated. You can substitute your favourite sweetener to make sugar-free blueberry pancakes if you like to avoid sugar.

  3. You can either add the blueberries to the mix and gently fold to combine, or sometimes I just add them on top of the batter once it is in the pan, you decide! Cook the batter on medium heat till you see bubbles appearing, then flip and finish cooking for 1-2 minutes. Blueberry Pancakes; done!

Pancake batter in frying pan topped with blueberries


Can I use frozen Blueberries to make Blueberry Pancakes?

Absolutely! Use the equivalent amount of frozen blueberries – there is no need to thaw them, they will cook just fine in the pan. Try not to overmix them into the batter – this can result in blue-coloured pancakes as the berries can bleed!

Are Blueberry Pancakes good for you?

Blueberries are little powerhouses of nutrition and are loaded with antioxidants. They can be a great addition to a balanced diet!


Brown sugar – try this instead of white sugar for a deeper flavour

Honey – this can be used in place of maple syrup for drizzling

Sugar-free Blueberry Pancakes – make these without sugar by substituting your favourite sweetener as an alternative to sugar

Buttermilk – this can be used if you have it in your fridge!

Vinegar – if you are making your own buttermilk, you can use a teaspoon of white vinegar if you don’t have apple cider vinegar – you can’t taste it!

Plant-based milk/butter – you can swap out the whole cow’s milk/dairy butter I have used here with the equivalent plant milk of your choice e.g. almond/oat…

Gluten-free blueberry pancakes – I have used plain flour but you can make these pancakes gluten-free by substituting a flour of your choice – oat flour, almond flour etc…

Try my other recipes

Blueberry Pancakes

Soft and fluffy pancakes bursting with blueberries
Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword Blueberry Pancakes, Fluffy Pancakes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 5 pancakes
Author Paul (Scoffs & Feasts)


  • 105 g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 15 g melted unsalted butter
  • 80 ml whole milk
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp bicarb
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 125 g blueberries reserve a small amount for garnish
  • Maple syrup to drizzle


  • Measure out and weigh all ingredients
  • Add vinegar to the milk and leave to sit for a minute while you prepare the other ingredients
  • Combine all the dry ingredients and gently whisk together
  • Add the egg, milk and melted butter and gently whisk to create a thick uniform batter – do not overwhisk – gently fold in blueberries
  • Place saucepan over medium heat and using a ¼ cup measuring cup, scoop cupfuls of batter into the frying pan
  • Once bubbles appear at the edges on the pancakes, flip over and continue to cook for 1-2 minutes
  • Serve as a stack with maple syrup and fresh blueberries


  1. This batter is quite thick to make thicker fluffy pancakes. If you prefer them slightly less thick, add a splash more milk at a time to the mix till you get the right consistency of the batter.
  2. The key to nice golden pancakes is the temperature of the pan. Start the pan at medium temperature and watch the pancake closely – if it gets too dark on the underside before bubbles appear on the surface, the pan is too hot. 

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